In-Sight 1: Sophie and Erik

Following their recorded conversation with Sean, which formed one of the instalments of their podcast series ‘In Search of the Pluriverse’, Sean now interviews the producers of the series, Sophie Krier (Researcher/Relational Artist) and Erik Wong (Lecturer/Graphic Designer), to gain insight into their world as researchers, including their multiple interests and activities which surround and feed that world.

It therefore broaches topics related to the significance of collaboration, conversation and institutional framing, inter alia.

Interchange 1 - Sophie/Erik/Sean is an edited recording of this interview.

This project is part of a Fellowship supported by Tilting Axis and Het Nieuwe Instituut, in collaboration with the Amsterdam Museum, De Appel, The Black Archives and Melly.

*korjaal (pronounced kȯr-ē-al) is a dug-out or canoe.

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